Wednesday, March 30, 2016

"if you could end any one problem in the world, what will it be?"

If i could end a problem in the world it'll be stopping drugs, drugs can affect a lot of people. I have friends who have friends in high school and there starting to abuse themselves with pills and they also do more, for some problems in there life that they cant fix or forget about... If that problem continues it can kill them or put them living in the streets.. When i walk home from school i sometimes see people laying on the dirty ground or sometimes talking to themselves or doing something crazy. And people should know about this problem cause i seen it on the news before. More people should start doing something about this before it starts getting passed down to more people. Its important to me because I don't wanna see anyone doing it especially anybody in my family or my friends. I don't know how to help fix this problem.... But say NO to drugs.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What is this planet called Earth

Dear Alien let me tell you about Earth..... its crazy because i don't even know how i met you or i don't know why i'm the one even telling you about Earth...whatever people can be crazy now these days. So Earth is a big ball in the solar system its not as big as the other planets but its better than the other planets because this is the only planet that sustains life. Earth has humans,animals,cops,teachers,homeless people,people looking up to no good,girls boys man women (humans),famous people,and parents, No Aliens in Earth. Us people don't even believe in Aliens. Anyways, are environments are oceans,land,city's,deserts, jungles,and safaris , my environment is basically the city cause i live in LA..In Earth you can do a lot here you can travel,eat at restaurants,go to parks and more.. But all that is money except going to a park because going to a park is open to everyone...
this is planet earth that sustains life.
this is how you aliens look like in our minds.
this is how us humans look like.

Friday, March 11, 2016

My Role Model

My Role Model , i don't really have a role model but i do like this one rapper's music he is also cool to, his name is SPM "South Park Mexican" his music talks about his thug life and all that, his music really makes sense to me.He is Famous of course And right now he is Locked up in prison because he "Raped a girl" that's what the cops are saying, and they gave him 47 years in there but his music is really awesome to me.